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ACINIL DROPS: The Effective Solution for Acid Reflux Relief

Acidity is a common yet uncomfortable condition that affects many individuals. Whether it’s a result of poor dietary habits, stress, or underlying medical issues, the symptoms of acid reflux can disrupt your daily life.

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ACINIL DROPS: The Effective Solution for Acid Reflux Relief

Acidity is a common yet uncomfortable condition that affects many individuals. Whether it’s a result of poor dietary habits, stress, or underlying medical issues, the symptoms of acid reflux can disrupt your daily life.

ACINIL DROPS offer a reliable solution to combat acidity and provide soothing relief. Formulated with natural ingredients, these drops work to neutralize excess stomach acid, reducing painful symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion, and a sour taste in the mouth.

Unlike harsh medications, ACINIL DROPS gently restore your body’s pH balance without causing unwanted side effects. The convenient drop format makes it easy to administer the formula anytime, anywhere, providing quick-acting relief whenever acidity strikes.

By addressing the root cause of acidity, ACINIL DROPS help prevent future episodes and support overall digestive health. Whether you experience occasional or chronic acid reflux, this innovative product can be your trusted ally in maintaining a comfortable, balanced gut.

Reclaim your quality of life and enjoy your meals without the burden of acidity. Try ACINIL DROPS today and experience the difference.


  • Gastritis
  • Nausea &vomiting
  • Abdominal bloating &pain
  • Indigestion
  • Hiccups
  • Heart burns
  • Hyper acidity and gastric disorder

Mode of action


It helps in relieves heartburn, hyperacidity, indigestion, dull feeling and dizziness of head.it helps in relieves tongue blisters and from feeling of nausea, sour erucation and vomiting, indigestion with acidity. Natrum Phos is a natural Acid Neutraliser.


It is effectively treating stomach disorders including indigestion. Flatulence and vomiting. Haemorrhoids protruding, smarting, burning; smarting like pepper; they sting and burn as if pepper had been sprinkled on them. Burning in tip of tongue. Atonic dyspepsia. Much flatulence, Intense craving for stimulants. Vomiting.


It helps in relieves symptoms of hyperacidity such as loss of appetite, nausea, frontal headache. Improper digestion and reduces acidity and gas.it helpful in reduce sour eructation with sour vomiting.it provides relief from pyorrhoea and bleeding gums.


It helps in heartburn, sour eructation, sour vomiting, craving for alcohol. It used in digestive issues such as acid reflux, heartburn, and sour belching. It may be useful in cases where there is a burning sensation in the stomach or esophagus


It helpful in sour taste and sour eructation after eating food. Belching large quantities of wind after eating, vomiting, pain in stomach, relieved by cold food, inflammation of stomach with burning extending to throat and bowels. discharge of blood from rectum during stool pass, hard stool, bleeding haemorrhoids.


10-15 drops in ¼ cup of water Three Times Daily or As prescribed by the Physician.

For any inquiries or to place an order, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at


Safety Guidelines

Pregnancy: pregnant women are advised to consult health care professional before its use.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: Lactating women are advised to consult health care professional before its use.

Travelling: It can be taken during travelling.

Heart Diseases: There is no known contraindication with heart diseases.

High BP/ Diabetes: IT can be used safely in hypertension and diabetic patients.

Skin Allergy: There is no known skin allergy after taking ACINIL Drops.


In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult the doctor in case of any symptoms like dizziness, nausea etc occurs.

Storage /Temperature

 The medicine should be stored in cool dark place away from sunlight, strong smelling and inflammable substances and the temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.


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