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Introducing DR ZAG’S ALFALFA TONIC, a powerful herbal supplement designed to address a wide range of health concerns. This all-natural tonic is particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with Anemia, loss of appetite, and convalescence after debilitating fevers or surgical operations.

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Introducing DR ZAG’S ALFALFA TONIC, a powerful herbal supplement designed to address a wide range of health concerns. This all-natural tonic is particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with Anemia, loss of appetite, and convalescence after debilitating fevers or surgical operations.

During pregnancy, periods of weight loss, and in growing children, DR ZAG’S ALFALFA TONIC can provide the essential nutrients and support needed for optimal health and well-being. The formula is also highly effective in combating feelings of exhaustion and anxiety due to overwork and worry, rapidly restoring the patient’s overall physical condition.

Crafted with the finest alfalfa extracts and carefully selected natural ingredients, this tonic offers a gentle, yet highly effective solution to a variety of common health challenges. Experience the rejuvenating power of DR ZAG’S ALFALFA TONIC and reclaim your vitality today.


  • General debility
  • Anorexia
  • Sleeplessness
  • Builds immunity

Mode of action


Physical and mental exhaustion impotence, pollutions, lack of concentration, apathy, sleepiness during day time. It used to treat multiple health disorders. Loss of fluid can also cause hair loss and acid Phos effectively treats and prevents hair fall.


It helps in improving appetite, improves mental and physical vigour. It reduced headache and abdominal pain, helpful in reducing frequent urination. It helps in reducing cholesterol level and inflammation. Alfalfa helps in enhancing our immunity and detoxifying the body. It helps in keeping the heart healthy by regulating the blood pressure and reducing tension from blood vessels and arteries.



It is effective nerve and brain tonic .it is very useful in relieving stress. It used for nervous exhaustion and best tonic foe after exhausting diseases.it useful in treating nervous headache. there is inability to keep mind on any one subject. Neurasthenia, mental overstrain, sexual debility, rich in vitamins and minerals.


General tonic after loss of humours and exhaustion, illnesses, impotence there after it is used to treat a number of health complication, treatment of weakness and exhaustion caused due to loss of vital fluid and exhaustive discharges. It has anti-inflammatory property


IT Is used for primarily used for treatment of haemorrhages of all kinds including nose bleeds, bleeding from bowls and in females, it is effectively used in treatment of uterine haemorrhage after child birth. convalescence


General tonic in illness related weight reduction, exhaustion, hyposthenia. weak muscular power, poor digestion and obstinate constipation.


It can be used for treating anaemia and relieves signs of fatigue and exhaustion. Treats skin ailment including severe itchiness and dryness of the skin.


It helps in improve mood swings and anger. Soothe severe headache after sun exposure or alcohol related hangover. stabilization of cramps in nerve


Adult 1 Tablespoon three times a day before meal

Children 1 Teaspoon three times a day before meal

any inquiries or to place an order, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at


Safety Guidelines

Pregnancy: It is use during pregnancy

Breastfeeding/Lactation: safe during lactation/breastfeeding

Travelling: It can be taken during travelling.

Heart Diseases: There is no known contraindication with heart diseases.

High BP/Diabetes: IT can be used safely in hypertension and diabetic patients.

Skin Allergy: it can be used safely in any skin disease conditions


In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult the doctor in case of any symptoms like dizziness, nausea


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