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Targeted Relief for Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps, or dysmenorrhea, can be a debilitating monthly experience for many women. This condition can manifest as primary, existing from the start of a woman’s period, or secondary, resulting from an underlying health issue such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

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Targeted Relief for Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps, or dysmenorrhea, can be a debilitating monthly experience for many women. This condition can manifest as primary, existing from the start of a woman’s period, or secondary, resulting from an underlying health issue such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

The symptoms of dysmenorrhea can include a range of discomforts, including cramping or pain in the lower abdomen, low back pain, pain radiating down the legs, nausea, vomiting, Diarrhea, fatigue, weakness, fainting, and headaches.

Treating the root cause of menstrual cramps is key to providing lasting relief. DYSMENO-Z DROPS offer a targeted solution, providing natural ingredients that can help address the physiological factors contributing to this common menstrual issue.

As women age and after giving birth, menstrual cramps often improve naturally. However, DYSMENO-Z DROPS can provide much-needed relief in the meantime, empowering women to manage their menstrual discomfort and maintain their quality of life during this time of month.


  • Fits of lower abdominal spasm.
  • Oversensitive state.
  • Sudden flash like, shooting pains in the lower abdominal region.
  • Severe dysmenorrhoea.
  • Dysmenorrhoea ameliorated by natural discharges such as onset of menses.
  • Lower abdominal spasm extending in the thighs, Irregular menses.

Mode of action


It helps in increases strength and manages the labour pain and progresses the stages of labour.it indicated for women whose uterus is weak and have a tendency for repeated abortion.it helps in controls the painful periods. Spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; shivering, without progress; false pains. Leucorrhoea. Habitual abortion from uterine debility. Needle-like pains in cervix.


It used in to treat Uterine haemorrhages. Profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood, with labour like pains. Labour pains spasmodic; press upward. Patient intolerant of pain Nipples inflamed, tender to touch.  Yellow, acrid leucorrhoea



Sudden flash like, shooting pain in the lower abdominal region. It indicated in pains associated with rheumatism, uterine cramps and migraine .it helps in treating menstrual disorders accompanied with severe pain in the ovarian region. It useful in relieving soreness of the muscles and limbs and helps in reducing involuntary jerking



Dysmenorrhoea ameliorated by natural discharges such as onset of menses. The great anti-spasmodic remedy. Cramping of muscles with radiating pains. Neuralgic pains relived by warmth, Menstrual colic. Membranous dysmenorrhea. Menses too early, dark, stringy. Swelling of external parts. Ovarian neuralgia.  Vaginismus



Lower abdominal spasm extending in the thighs, irregular menses. -Menses too late, scanty, lasting a few hours, offensive in Odor, with crampy pains, cramps extend down thighs. Bearing-down pains before. Ovarian region feels heavy and congested. Aching in sacrum and pubes, with pain in anterior muscles of thighs spasmodic and membranous dysmenorrhoea. Leukorrhea, Frequent and very early miscarriage, causing seeming sterility. Pains from back to loins and womb worse early morning.


During Severe Pain, take 10 drops in some water every 15 to 30 minutes.as improvement sets, given 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours

In Dysmenorrhoea give 10-15 drops in some water 2-3 times a day over longer period

For any inquiries or to place an order, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at


Safety Guidelines

Pregnancy:  Pregnant women are advised to consult health care professional before it use.

Breastfeeding/ Lactation: Lactating women are advised to consult health care professional before its use.

Travelling: It can be taken during travelling.

Kidney   Composed with an indicated medicine for kidney diseases.

Heart Diseases   It is used in all heart diseases.

High BP/DIABETES   It can be used safely in hypertension and diabetic patients.

Skin Allergy   There is no known skin allergy after taking dysmeno z drops


In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult the doctor in case of any symptoms like dizziness, nausea etc occurs.

Storage /Temperature

The medicine should be stored in cool dark place away from sunlight, strong smelling and inflammable substances and the temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.


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