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Introducing IRON TONIC SYRUP, a well-balanced homoeopathic remedy designed to improve the absorption of iron and enhance overall nutrient uptake. This unique formulation helps manage normal haemoglobin levels, address low haemoglobin, and alleviate Anemia during pregnancy and lactation.

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Introducing IRON TONIC SYRUP, a well-balanced homoeopathic remedy designed to improve the absorption of iron and enhance overall nutrient uptake. This unique formulation helps manage normal haemoglobin levels, address low haemoglobin, and alleviate Anemia during pregnancy and lactation.

Unlike traditional iron supplements, IRON TONIC SYRUP works by improving the capacity of your cells to absorb the essential nutrients found in your diet. This means you can combat iron deficiencies and associated weaknesses or debility. In addition to supporting healthy haemoglobin levels, this syrup also helps to regulate heavy menstrual bleeding, ensuring your body can efficiently utilize the nutrients you consume. By promoting optimal nutrient absorption, IRON TONIC SYRUP empowers your body to function at its best, even during the most demanding stages of life.

Experience the difference a well-balanced, homoeopathic approach can make in managing your iron and overall nutrient status. Discover the benefits of IRON TONIC SYRUP and take control of your health today.


  • Anemia condition during pregnancy and lactation and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Mode of action


It is a helpful in building healthy blood cells. It helps to provide toughness and strength to the walls of blood vessels and arteries. It is an excellent remedy for haemorrhages and is also helpful in reducing stiffness and pain in joints. Sore throat, cough and cold are also cured Helps in reducing weakness and fatigue .it promotes quick recovery from illness


It used to treat a number of health complications. It is effective in the treatment of weakness and exhaustion caused due to loss of vital fluids and exhaustive discharges. It has anti-inflammatory properties and it is used in treatment of inflammation of kidneys and is highly useful in relieving pains associated with rheumatism and arthritis. Stomach disorders is also effectively treated with the use of Cinchona.


It Relieves muscle weakness, anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue. It Increases stamina both physically and mentally. Helps to increase the blood flow during menses. It helps to restore the weakness and dullness in children due to improper nutrition



It is useful in the treatment of anaemia, enlarged spleen, worms, urine retention and painful urination. It corrects disorders of the respiratory system and relieves acute symptoms of bronchitis.



Natrum phosphoricum is the remedy for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid, often resulting from too much sugar. Ailments, with excess of acidity. Sour eructation’s and taste. Sour vomiting.  Inflammation of any part of the throat, with sensation of a lump in throat. Flatulence, with sour risings. Colic, with symptoms of worms.



It helpful in the treatment of headaches, over sensitiveness, blood circulation ailments, and palpitation. This medicine is made from powdered iron and a rich source of dietary iron. It is a good medication against excess sweating, anaemia and weak pulse. It helps in healing severe headache associated with ringing sensation in ears before menses. It is effective in treating many stomachs related issues such as appetite, gastric problem, nausea, vomiting, frequent belching with small vomit, soreness in the abdomen and burning in stomach. It is also effective in regulating scanty or irregular menses.


Adult 1 Tablespoon 3 times a day before meal.

Children 1 Teaspoon 3 times a day before meal or as prescribed by the physician.

Any inquiries or to place an order, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at drzagambwani@gmail.com

Safety Guidelines

Pregnancy: It is safe during pregnancy

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It is safe during lactation

Travelling: It can be taken during travelling.

Heart Diseases: There is no known contraindication with heart diseases.

High BP/Diabetes: IT can be used safely in hypertension and diabetic patients.

Skin Allergy: it can be used safely in any skin disease conditions


In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult the doctor in case of any symptoms like dizziness, nausea etc occurs.

Storage /Temperature

The medicine should be stored in cool dark place away from sunlight, strong smelling and inflammable substances and the temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.


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