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TRAUMA Z DROPS, a revolutionary solution for managing trauma and injury recovery. Crafted with a blend of natural ingredients, this versatile formula can provide comprehensive support throughout the healing process

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TRAUMA Z DROPS, a revolutionary solution for managing trauma and injury recovery. Crafted with a blend of natural ingredients, this versatile formula can provide comprehensive support throughout the healing process.

Key Benefits:

– Conditions injury and accident trauma for faster recovery

– Aids in the recovery of fractured bones

– Promotes rapid post-surgery healing

– Serves as an effective first-aid for trauma and accidents, helping prevent shock

– Provides pre- and post-surgery care for optimal healing

– Relieves muscular and joint pain, including backache from poor posture

– Facilitates the repair and union of fractured bones

Whether you’re dealing with a recent injury, recovering from surgery, or seeking relief from chronic pain, TRAUMA Z DROPS offers a natural, holistic approach to support your body’s natural healing abilities. Experience the difference with this comprehensive trauma management solution


This is combination of homeopathic medicine can be used as first aid medication and for pain management. Helpful in any kind of injury like fracture, sprains, and cut injuries, concussion to brain etc. Help to prevent shock after trauma and accidents. Helpful to cure septic conditions associated with injuries

Mode of action


This remedy relieves pain, bruising and swelling associated with trauma, surgery or overexertion.


IT is an excellent remedy for all sorts of injuries to the nerves, especially of the toes, nails, fingers, etc. It is helpful in dealing with ulcers and piles. Heals nerve injuries and injuries caused due to crushing of the affected parts. This remedy relieves sharp pain that seems to follow the nerve’s path.




This relieves bruises from blunt objects, especially where the skin is thin (around the eyes, fingers and toes), as well as pain and bruising from pointed objects.



It used for hot, painful swelling of joints. Pains tearing in tendons, ligaments. Rheumatic pains spread over a large surface at nape of neck, loins, and extremities; better motion. Soreness of condyles of bones. Limbs stiff, Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. Tenderness about knee-joint. Loss of power in forearm and fingers


It relieves pain in the muscle joints, tendons, heals bruises and facilitates quick recovery from an injury or a fracture. It also provides quick relief from soreness in the ankles and lower back. This relieves strained ligaments and tendons.



This remedy is best known for its healing effect on broken bones, and is also good for bone-bruises. It is valuable if blunt injury occurs to the eyeball (from a rock, a stick, a flying object, etc.)




This remedy is useful for injuries to the trunk and deeper tissues as from falls, car accidents, surgery, etc. especially if a feeling of stiffness or coldness develops in the injured area. it is an excellent remedy for all sorts of injuries to the nerves, especially of the toes, nails, fingers, etc.


ADULTS-15-20 drops in ¼ cup of water thrice a day.

CHILDERN – Half of the adult dose.

Or as directed by the physician.


No known contraindication

Any inquiries or to place an order, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at


Safety Guidelines

Travelling: It can be taken during travelling.
Kidney: Composed with an indicated medicine for kidney diseases.
Heart Diseases: There is no known contraindication with heart diseases.
High BP/DIABETES: IT can be used safely in hypertension and diabetic patients.
Skin Allergy: There is no known skin allergy after taking TRAUMA Z Drops.


In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult the doctor in case of any symptoms like dizziness ,nausea etc. occurs.

Storage /Temperature

The medicine should be stored in cool dark place away from sunlight, strong smelling and inflammable substances and the temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.


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